Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Thoughts about Karma and Reincarnation

Someone wrote a post on Facebook the other day about karma, I can't remember who it was. It said basically that karma may not ever arrive to a person who has done wrong by you as they may never have actually done anything wrong.

It got me thinking that life is truly all about perception. One person's idea of 'bad' is different to another's. In a situation where there is an argument of some kind, inevitably both parties feel as if they have been wronged and wait for karma to exact revenge or rectify the situation in some way. But the truth may be that neither is in the wrong or that both are and karma should be 'dealing' with them both!

If this is the case, then who decides what karma does? Who decides who should receive punishment or reward? What if both have done wrong and are deserving of punishment? What is the truth about a situation is that it was you who did the wrong and the other person was in the right, would you accept your 'punishment'? Would you forgive them and let them off the proverbial hook?

Maybe their is no right and wrong really, just choices and consequences... if you make a mistake and own up to it and learn from it, then fine, all is well with the world. But if you make a mistake and don't own up to it or learn from it then you are doomed to make the same mistake/s over and over again. Or is this what karma is all about, living negatively until you realise your lessons and learn them? Is this what karma actually is? There is no external force or deity or angel or guide or ascended master deciding who gets punished or rewarded like St Peter at the Gate, it's all based upon your own choices and actions? If you stuff up, realise, apologise and learn, your reward is simply that you don't have to go through that situation again, you have learnt and can move on to the next lesson. If you don't learn then it'll keep happening until you do, thus creating what people would term negative karma.

So then, if you keep blaming others for what happens to you, then your karma is to always be affected by the actions of others until you realise your own power in the situation. It's more of a 'law of attraction' thing then really, isn't it? Some people have just termed this karma and personified it to the point that it gets blamed for everything, people began to use it as an excuse to get out of their own personal growth. "I don't have to deal with this situation directly, as karma will teach them!" Kinda gives people a 'get out of gaol free' card in relation to their personal growth I think......

So, I guess to the point of this whole blog - the need for me to finally come to terms with K/karma. This has definitely been a long time coming. I have had many conversations about this subject and still not discovered my truth. But here it is - to me karma is:
  1. not an indiscriminate force or being punishing and rewarding for behaviours,
    1. not a separate entity, with it's own code of conduct and laws, but a part of the law of attraction, if not completely bound up in it. 

    2. not an excuse to get out of dealing with situations you need to personally, for your own growth and maturation. 
    3. entirely based upon the morals and values of the individual.
    this got me thinking about reincarnation and stuff, who is in charge of the big issues? After consideration, I have conclude that karma is:

    1. inseparable from the soul/spirit.
    2. not in charge of reincarnation
    3. based upon our own ability to learn from our mistakes and forgive others.
    But this brings me to another interesting point. Who decides what you do in each life, the lessons you will need to learn and who you will need to meet etc etc? 

    Well, my simple truth is - YOU DO! You choose which family you will be born in to, what lessons you will learn from which sacrifices and losses you'll experience, what your life purpose will be and so on and so on...... And even who your children will be!! (Well, this you decide together. As for your grandchildren, there is also a level of discussion about this, but I feel that the ultimate choice lies within the soul themselves as they have to be born to your child in order to be your grandchild and whether they want to do that is up to them!!) Before you are reincarnated you make this 'soul contract' based upon your own needs as a soul in order to evolve. This is what drives circumstances, events and situations in your life, this innate need to experience in order to grow and evolve, not some separate entity doling out punishment and reward indiscriminately! It is entirely up to you whether you honour your own contract and fulfill your life purpose. You can opt out at any time, and this is what people who live negatively have chosen to do - they have decided it is all in fact too hard and they can never overcome their current situation. There is no judgement here, as I have done the same on occasion. Besides, it is their life to live and their choices are their own. As are mine. 

    So I guess what I am saying really (and please, don't hang me for this!) is that there is no such thing as karma. It is merely your willingness to learn your 'contracted' lessons and evolve past your current circumstances. You have chosen these circumstances for yourself, now are you going to whinge and lay blame or are you going to take responsibility for your life and move on with love????

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