Monday, 7 April 2014

F is for THE FLU!!

Ok, so I had committed myself to the Pagan Blog Project and was all set to start researching something for the letter F and the disaster struck! I got the FLU!! da da daaaaaa!!!! 

Anyway, I woke up that morning with a sore throat and a little tickle in my nose and thought to myself, 'self, I think you have the flu?! This is the universe telling you to slow down and take some time out!' So, I did - I cancelled all my appointments for the day and stayed in bed. After a few episodes of I cannot now remember what, I fell asleep. For 4 hours!! I woke up wondering if this was just the flu or something more serious. 

I am a firm believer that any illness, sickness, injury or disease is emotionally based, it is your body telling you something that you are not hearing any other way. It has been proven to me time and time again! I get ulcers in my mouth when I have not said something I need to and it is eating away at me, I break my index finger when I am letting fear and ego rule me, my mother hurts her back when she is not getting support from someone and needs it, and I get the flu when I am doing too much or have massive inner conflict about something! (Read Inna Segal's 'The Secret Language of Your Body' for more details!! it will change your life!!) So, I was also wondering what inner conflict I was having at this time, but knew mostly that it was the universe telling me to slow down!! For the millionth time in my life, mind you… I just can’t help it, there is so much to do, learn and see and I want to do it all, NOW!! Anyway, I decided to take a day off and see how I felt the next day.

Well, my condition only got worse. And the worst part? I had to go in to work because in recent years I have been so flippant with my money I now have very little! Even though I have had a well paying job for almost three years, I had managed to, at the end of the contract, have saved around $300!! Very bad finance!! Anyway, so I have recently learnt the need to be more frugal and have just started to become that way when I got sick – not having enough in my account as yet to be able to afford to take time off (as I am now back to casual and do not get sick leave etc!) I had to go in to work!

Luckily though, by Friday I was feeling a bit better and was able to go in to my Saturday Tarot Reading job, which I love because I get to help people in a more personal way than I do as a teacher. Well, apparently I was not in fact well again and the universe appeared to have more lessons in store for me. By Monday I could barely speak! Some things happened over the weekend, which I will not get into here, but suffice it to say I fought the inevitable, tried to control things and prevent having to have ‘the conversation’ with a male friend of mine and it manifested in a small dose of laryngitis!! Well, according to Inna Segal in her aforementioned book, laryngitis is about holding back (among other things, which are not that relevant, but everything on the list doesn’t have to fit!). I was trying to prevent something from happening, that may not need to happen, through my actions, when if I had just spoken my truth it would be over with by now! Well, it has been a week and I have finally just this morning been able to belt out a few notes of one of my favourite songs, so it seems I am on the mend and the lesson has been learnt! For now… Here’s hoping I don’t forget it and have to go through it all again!!! 

2010 The Secret Language Of Your Body by Inna Segal - Australia Cover
Available through

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