Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Chakra Fundamentals: The Base Chakra

I know at first glance, chakras may not appear to be a part of Paganism, however, it is a part of our emotional and physical well-being, thus for me it fits perfectly! In this way I feel it is important to have a working knowledge of them, if not a close affiliation with them. It is part of knowing the self and should be incorporated into any self discovery journey. There are a lot of people in the world who are walking around, unbalanced and have no idea why or how to fix it if they are aware. I was one such person not so long ago. 

Chakras are energy centres all over the physical body that allow for the free flow of energy from feet to crown, and everywhere in between. We have hundreds of mini chakras all over our body that facilitate this energy flow, however, there are seven main chakras that govern certain key aspects of our lives. They are the base (or root chakra), the sacral, the solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye (brow) and crown chakras.

The first, and possibly the most fundamental to overall health and well-being, is the base chakra, or in the sanskrit, Muladhara. Its location varies depending on which source you read, but I usually feel it at the very base of my torso. If sitting down, it is located in the area resting on the seat. Other works will describe it as being at the base of the spine or coccyx or the cervix (for women) or perineum (for men), however, if there is one thing I have learnt so far it is that all things are individual. One thing is certain, it is the first of the main energy centres and it is situated roughly at the bottom of your torso, the specifics will vary and you will have to discover this for yourself. One way to do this is to get into a meditative or contemplative state and ask to become aware of my base chakra. Sit quietly now and try it! Be aware of any buzzing, or energy pooling in a particular area. This will be the location of your base chakra! Some people also see them as swirling discs facing the front and back of your body, at vertical to the ground. Mine, however, face from my feet to my head, horizontal to the ground. Again, you will have to discover this for yourself.

Each chakra has a symbol associated with it, usually a version of the lotus flower. Muladhara is often shown as a lotus flower with four petals.

Each chakra governs both the physical and emotional body; any imbalance or issue with your chakras can manifest as a physical pain, injury or disease. Issues with your base chakra can manifest through the legs, knees, feet and ankles, bones, large intestine, hips and pelvis, kidneys, sciatic nerve or lower back. Any pain in these areas is a sign that you are experiencing emotional disturbance in one or more area concerning this chakra.

So what are these issues? The Base chakra is associated with feelings of belonging (with tribe or community), career and finances, safety and security, familial law and order, ability to stand up for oneself or any other material or physical concern. One example may be financial worries manifesting in hips locking or cramps in the legs. I have a particular issue with my coccyx bone, which I have damaged at least twice in my life. Now when I start to worry over money or the home, it will ache. It is a timely reminder for me to take a few seconds to work on this chakra and alleviate any concerns and worries.

It is easy to rebalance or activate a chakra. One of the easiest is, after identifying the issue that has caused the ailment or pain, locate and wear a crystal specifically associated with the chakra. Any red crystal will do for the base chakra, but of particular note is red jasper, garnet and smoky quartz (these will usually appear in your standard chakra crystal packs). There is no need to wear it directly on your base chakra, although doing this in a meditative state will help to enhance the crystal’s efficiency. You may also breathe in the colour red into the area of your base chakra and visualise it clearing the negativity from the area. Eating red food (such as tomatoes, cherries or apples) or drinking red infused water with intention is also another effective way. The easiest method of balancing or activating this chakra though, is to wear red underwear! It sits directly on the chakra and is far less noticeable than other methods! And who could forget those Dorothy inspired red shoes? (sparkles or sequins preferred though optional!) Another discreet way to balance your chakra is to wear red nail polish on your toes... I do this all the time with the intent that it balance my chakra; it seems simple but it works. And you feel pretty too!! All is intent though, so no matter what you choose to do, be sure to state your intention when doing it!

Here are some simple ways to maintain your base chakra’s health on a daily basis:
  • Take your off shoes and walk barefoot outside connecting with Mother Earth 
  • Dancing
  • Massage and pedicure
  • Gardening or house work with the intention of balancing or opening this chakra
  • If possible, have a space within your home that is entirely yours
  • Daily short, brisk walks
  • Have a routine and stick to it
  • Pay bills on time
  • Bake bread and peel potatoes for grounding

I have found that a solid base chakra is the foundation for all psychic or energy work. If your base chakra is closed or imbalanced it is likely (though not guaranteed) that your other chakras are in the same state.
So start with the basics! Get your physical life in order first to allow the magickal to enter your life!!

(Most information is gathered from personal experience and discussions with teachers and like minded people, however, a good book to read to get an overall idea of the chakras is Janet Boyer’s The Chakras. Available on Amazon.com or via Kindle.)

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