Now, when most people think of spirit sending messages to you through animals, they think of lions, tigers, chimpanzees, and my favourite, butterflies and dragonflies. Well, it turns out that the household pest that most people take for granted is also one that can send the most enlightening message to you!!
I had recently came home to find a small infestation in my house of flies! I was appalled and disgusted, having no clue as to what on earth they could possibly find about my very tidy and in no way garbage-dump-like house. I thought is was for the kitty litter and i promptly started to curse my housemate! At one stage, I counted 35 in the lounge room alone! Then I noticed the other dozen on the light in the kitchen! Everywhere I turned there were more flies!
Now, I know what you are thinking 'there can't be that many really! They must be moving around and you are counting them twice, like when you try and count the stars in the sky!' well, here are a few shots and you can make up your own mind!! Yep, those little black dots are ALL flies!!!
Well, that was before I had a light bulb moment, facilitated by my lovely housemate. There was a message here for me (or both of us, but considering she hadn't been home for almost 3 days, I figured quite selfishly that it was for me), but I just didn't know what. I looked in the few books and decks on the subject of animal spirit guides only to find that the cuddly and cute ones were covered, but nothing so base as the common house fly!
Again, housemate to the rescue! 'Why don't you Google it?' Now, I don't consider 31 to be old by any account, but apparently there is something that can be said for youth! My new motto? What Would a Twenty-something Do?
So I Googled it, quite frankly not expecting to find much in the way of a definition for the spiritual significance of the fly, but again, I was humbled! As I started to read, I was more and more convinced of its importance for me at this very moment. Having asked my housemate to do a reading for me to gain some clarity on some emotional problems I have been having (again!!) and receiving her guidance, it pretty much mirrored the fundamental message of the fly - leave your old self-defeating habits and doubts behind!
There is much more to it, and I have attached the image I created for it to this blog in the hopes that others will be able to share in the wonder that is apparently the fly! Here's hoping that now that I have received the message (loud and clear!!) they will find their merry way out of my house to help another poor soul in need! I am not looking forward to having to use the fly spray after they have given me so much!!!!
(I have included the websites to this image as references and encourage you all to have a look the next time an animal does something weird around you. It is spirit's way of getting you a message!!!!)
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