it's P week on the Pagan Blog Project and I thought I'd continue with the previous week's
post and do another one on colour. This will focus on how I work with the
colour and include some of the work of others, but as there seems to be
a plethora of different uses I have just kept this post to what I use it for.
is often associated with the Crown Chakra, but I see it in my Brow Chakra,
despite many attempts to try and change it! I finally decided to stop fighting it and run with it, but now I just as often see indigo for the Brow so I
tend to wait and see what happens on the day. Still, my Crown Chakra has and
always will be white I guess. I wont go too closely into
the Chakra other than to say that it governs the intuition,
imagination, clairvoyance, dreams and visions/visualisation and purple can help
in all these areas. In the tarot, purple is the colour of compassion (as in the
Lovers), spirituality and visions. Inna Segal, in her book The Secret Language of the Body, states that purple helps to clear mental complexes
and brings out leadership qualities. It can also help improve the connection
between mind ,body and soul and attracts hope and success. On a physical level,
purple helps boost the immune system, heal skin eruptions, rheumatism and
bones, kidney, lung and stomach problems. It helps to relieve nervous tension,
thus calming the heart and helping with blood pressure.
To work with purple, the easiest way is to wear
it on or around the head, however, the location is not as important as intention when wearing of the colour. Purple socks will do just as good as a purple
bandana if the intention is stated clearly! For physical healing, you can eat
purple food, such as eggplant or beetroot, or visualise yourself inhaling
the colour directly into the part of the body you want healed (this last
is most effective while in a meditative state). Perhaps the easiest, and possibly
the prettiest way to work with purple is to incorporate crystals, such as
Amethyst or Purple Fluorite, into your healing regimen. Again, it is all
about intention, so if you are having trouble seeing the big picture, with
visualisation, clairvoyance and dreams or perhaps have constant sinus
problems, then purple can help!
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