Psychic work required you to create a connection with your client, a spiritual link between you both so that you can receive psychic information about said client. This link is also necessary to some extent when doing any form of divination, tarot, psychometry etc, even though the information you are receiving is usually from your own guides (who speak to your client's guides and give the information to you). In this case you still need to be spiritually linked to your client in order to acknowledge who you are getting information for, to create a limit as to who and what you are tuning in to. How can you do this if you are not connected to them, even for a short while?
Many people I know fear these cords, approach them like they are something bad to be avoided, if not outright feared! To me, these cords are just connections to loved ones or people who you have interacted with. Sure, if you have too many cords and too many of the bad kind (unfortunately people will subconsciously use these connections even when they are not physically around you) you can find that your energy stores are quickly depleted and you become lethargic all the time. These ones are not recommended, however, the positive ones that are created out of love and sharing would only serve to bolster your energy, right?
Obviously the bad ones, created out of a need to find energy from someone or to remain connected to a past event or possibly an ex-partner, need to be severed, I am not arguing against this. It is easy to do, you can just ask Archangel Michael to sever them with his sword, do a chopping motion down the body to cut them (which my friend calls the 'chop and zip', the zip is to prevent reattachment), another friend of mine even performed a scissoring motion with her hand in front of her body to cut an especially strong one - and it did take a while, but it worked! I just think that forming no connections or keeping none is probably worse than having only bad ones... if there are no positive cords attached to you, does this mean that you have no positive relationships?
I guess what I am putting forward is, that with the right intention, even those things most feared by people in the spiritual/psychic world can be good?
(I decided after publishing this that I would in fact submit it to the Project, so wish me luck!!!)
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