Thursday, 30 October 2014

Halloween v Beltane: my social dilemma...

I need to get something out... Today is the 31st of October, and Halloween in the  Northern Hemisphere. All day, and perhaps for most of the month, I have been hearing all this stuff about Halloween. Are you dressing up? Are you trick or treating? Buy this pumpkin and that fake spider and this ghost thing that witches hat (and this is another gripe of mine, but beyond the scope of what I am can currently dealing with)!! It is all very commercial, but this is not where my issue lies.

My real issue is that we are celebrating it at the wrong time of year! It is currently Beltane in the Southern Hemisphere! We should be celebrating this with a massive bonfire (perhaps controlled as we are currently in a high fire danger period) and a dance around the May Pole and sharing the love (not necessarily sexual either) and partying late into the night cause it's day light savings!!!! We should be honouring the return to power of the sun, not trick or treating and giving our lollies... 

Don't get me wrong, I celebrate Halloween myself, and would love to see trick or treaters at my house! I'd give em all a full packet of Redskins... At the right time of year...

Why do we have to do it the same way as America and the Northern Hemisphere? I single out America only because it is the infusion of American culture into Australia that has caused this sudden rise in popularity of the holiday, nothing more... There is absolutely nothing stopping us adapting this holidays an doing it 'our way' based on our seasons... Nothing at all!! 

Again, this goes against the initial reason for this post, and that was to work out why I am having so much trouble with the idea, so I'll rein it in a bit... It might be as simple as knowing the general public do not understand the reason for the holiday and we appear to be 'bandwagoners', which is something I loathe deeply. It may be that something that is held sacred by many is yet another casualty to captialism and consumerism which I also loathe... The Christians have had to deal with this for decades now, so perhaps I should ask them how they deal with it... 

Advice from fellow pagans and other such wise people is to just let it go and enjoy it for what it is... 'Give me the courage to accept that which I cannot change' and all that...  Perhaps I should take this advice and hope that next year I will find a way to cope better. Maybe getting out and actively involving myself in local Beltane rituals will also help... 

I'll do both and see how it goes. I can't help but wonder how other people cope... Is this a problem for you too? I can't be the only one going through it now or ever... So, if you have ever felt this way, please let me know how you got through it? I'd love to hear your advice!!  

Beltane Blessings!! xx 

Monday, 13 October 2014

Ultimate Source and the Concept of Deity

Having a look at the prompts for this week's Pagan Blog Project got me thinking about Ultimate Source and what it means to me. (I will say at this point, there is no intention to offend anyone or their beliefs through this post, so if you are easily offended I suggest you stop reading NOW!!) It also just so happens that I have been doing a lot of thinking about deity/ies and the idea of an ultimate creative source, how they relate and what they mean. The main reason is that I have really only connected with Kali and even then it appears to be short-lived (or perhaps I am doing my usual second guessing thing and questioning her continued presence through self-doubt, which is more than likely) but as yet the other deities appear elusive.

It got me thinking that if there is an ultimate source then why do we need to pray or connect to one single manifestation, if this is what they are - manifestations - then why don't we pray or connect straight with the ultimate source and acknowledge it as an asexual, conscious being in charge of all? For me, this source exists as creative potential in its purest form, so it can be whatever you want it to be and harness it however you want to harness it. (respectfully of course!) You could speak directly to this source and ask it for what you would like, leaving the how open and go from there. I have manifested many things in my life simply by asking (mostly as a fleeting thought) and letting go, perhaps this is why I have not connected in any long term way with a deity as simply asking the universe seems to work just as well (if not better) than performing ritual and/or spell casting. Or perhaps I am not trying hard enough? Perhaps I am not studying enough or meditating enough or experiencing enough? Perhaps I should second guessing and start experiencing expectation free? Who knows?? 

Don't get me wrong, I do believe the Gods exist in one form or another, mostly through the Collective Conscious, and I would never argue against their existence to anyone. For me at this time, deity exists as the creative potential and actualisation visible in the world around me - there are no mistakes in nature so there must be some force guiding nature. Could I just honour this and leave the archetypes alone?? 

(Comments welcome)

Personality Traits and Mirror Imaging

I know this is kind of cheating, but something came up recently that I feel I need to write about. A lot of people in this world will look at what others do and say or how they act and will react to this in a negative way. 'I hate it when she does this!' Or 'why can't he stop doing that to me!' It is interesting to me how any cases of this is actually mirror imaging!! How many times the traits that others exhibit are those exact traits they exhibit and secretly loathe about themselves.

A friend of mine has recently discovered that most of the men in her life don't hear her, won't listen to what she says and what she wants. Most of these men have since left her life, her ex-husband being one of them. (and they spent 32 years together!) She left him for many reasons, but this being one of them, and has since attracted more men to her that don't listen to her. The entire visit I spent 'fighting' to be heard by her, every time I started to speak she'd cut in with something about her. When she asked for advice about something she did not listen to what I said, mostly because it was contrary to what she wanted to hear, but the other part I now know is that her own inability to listen was glaring me in the face! And for someone so enlightened and spiritually aware it seemed weird to me...

So, the next time you are faced with a trait that you find irritating or frustrating, before going off at the person and causing conflict, ask yourself - Does this person's trait annoy me because it is annoying or do I do this same thing and not like it about myself? I have done this many times since discovering it and I am now a better person (hopefully) for identifying and rectifying the situation when it arises. For one, I try not to be too opinionated as it annoys me when others are! This is the first of many I have already changed and not the last to be changed, I can assure you...

Personal growth is exhausting, but in the end worth it!!

(P.s - Sorry it's late!)